Cell classification is done using calculation of distance from the IB surface.

Contours of Mach number show formation of bow shock ahead of airfoil treated as IB.

The vorticity contours show the formation of the von-Karman vortex street in the cylinder wake.

Cell classification is done using calculation of distance from the IB surface.
Immersed Boundary Methods for all speeds
We are working on the development of multi-fluid and multi-phase immersed-boundary methods (IBM) at all-speeds with Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR). These modules will be integrated into our in-house solver FEST-3D.

PhD: 1

Morphing of camber line and the regenerated airfoil surface is shown.

The airfoil morphing is shown for the downward motion of the airfoil.

The airfoil morphing is shown for the upward motion of the airfoil.

Morphing of camber line and the regenerated airfoil surface is shown.
Aerodynamics of flapping, morphing flight
We investigate lift and thrust enhancement in flapping flight and drag reduction with camber morphing for fixed-wing aircraft. XFoil, ANSYS Fluent and IBM-CFD are used for this work.

MS: 1; PhD: 1

The coefficient of skin friction for a zero-pressure-gradient test case is shown here. The mode of transition is bypass.

The skin-friction coefficient for a non-zero-pressure-gradient test case is shown here.

The skin-friction coefficient for the Aerospatiale airfoil is shown; the mode of transition is through laminar separation bubble.

The coefficient of skin friction for a zero-pressure-gradient test case is shown here. The mode of transition is bypass.
Zero-equation Transition model development
We have developed a zero-equation transition model, named k-gamma model, that is integrated to the SST turbulence model. We would like to extend this to compressible flows and for IB methods.
